Full-on Summer

Summer is here and we are having a blast! We are in the middle of VBS week which means late nights and busy days, but the weather is beautiful and we are enjoying every minute!

I just love that this is our road. Corn. Farms. Hardly any cars. My family. This is home.
Sydney and I went on another Mother Daughter date last weekend. We spent some quality time getting carried away by mosquitos at Quail Hollow State Park. And then we had lunch at our favorite little close-by dive. I had the BLT and she had a hot dog, of course! It tastes like summer!

We always let the boys get faux hawks for their summer hair cuts. It's been a tradition they won't let us forget for years. Sydney finally got to get in on the hair fun this year when we let her put some pink stripes in her hair. She loved them! Our hairdresser was trying something new. Sadly, they washed out much quicker than we expected. But she sure was a happy girl with those stripes! With her pretty auburn hair I'm pretty happy to show her some compromises and fun things to do without her ever needing to color her hair. Sydney, please don't ever color your hair, pretty girl!
