I blinked and September is almost over

So apparently it's been a while since I thought you needed an update. I was trying to think about what I could update with and then I realized we rode out our first hurricane this weekend. And apparently, a few other things since I last posted.

So, Cliff's Notes version?

Jamie and Asher came for a visit:

Grandma and Grandpa Sommers came for a visit:

Corban started high school:

Sydney became a teenager!

My parents met us in Wilmington for a short beach vacation...

And then spent a couple days with us in Raleigh:

And then Hurricane Florence came for a visit:

The high school football game was moved to Wednesday to make sure we got it in before the storm came through. Corban plays in the band's percussion section and Sydney is joining Guard.

For almost a week before Florence came the storm was predicted to make landfall at Wilmington and head straight for Raleigh. On Thursday morning her predicted track shifted south of us and we ended up only getting rain and wind for about 3 straight days. Jared won the hurricane snack Oreo lottery with his double-decker:

Our power went out at 5:00 Friday evening and came back on Saturday around 11:30 am. We have a generator so it really wasn't too bad. In fact, it reminded me of all the time we've spent in the camper except I actually got to be in my own home. We have city water so that never stopped and we were very thankful for how things went.

Honestly, it reminded Mike and me of April, May, and June in Ohio, except warmer. Ha! ;) But it sure was nice to see the sun come back out again.
