Our last Thanksgiving Feast at Preschool

Last week Jared had his preschool Thanksgiving Feast. This is always a really fun event and I just can’t believe this is our last year here. My kids have loved this preschool! And I have grown to love it and all the teachers as well. My camera battery died, so I got some (fuzzy) pictures from my phone. I’m thankful for my phone, though!

The kids worked all month with Thanksgiving themed projects to learn about having thankful hearts and how they could also show kindness to each other. They also used natural ingredients  - cranberries, blueberries, etc to paint and stamp images on his Native American vest.


Corban and Sydney had the Wednesday before Thanksgiving off, so they were able to attend the Feast also! Sydney just had to wear her feather headband from her own Thanksgiving party the day before. Such a trendsetter.

