Has God ever thrown a wrench into your day?

I've been thinking about this a lot over the past week or so. You see, not only did God throw a wrench into our day, he threw a wrench right into our back left tire. And I mean completely, with only a little bit of the closed end of a 13 mm Craftsman wrench sticking out. How does this happen??? Well, I choose to believe it's one of those "God-incidents". You see, we have actually had a broken spring on the back left side for a while. We have been saving up to have it fixed and finally felt we had enough extra recently. However, we didn't run right out and make that appointment. I don't know why. Of course, I kept nagging Mike about it, the really great wife that I am. But the wrench changed things. We were having a perfectly ordinary Sunday, had just left church and heading to lunch. We felt when we hit it, but neither of us had seen anything on the road. However, as soon as Mike opened his door at the restaurant we could hear the hissing. Honestly, I'm not sure how we even had any air left in our tire at this point. So, while the kids and I waited inside Chili's, Mike changed the tire in 35 degree, rainy, dreary weather. Poor guy. And then first thing Monday he called his friend who is a mechanic. We were able to get the car in that afternoon. As it turns out, somehow we missed the fact that not only did we have a broken spring on the left side, we also had one on the right side. Mike was so embarrassed (so don't tell him I told you!) that he had no idea that other spring was broken. But I will tell you that I am just thankful for that wrench. While our friend was under the car he asked if we'd also like to go ahead and replace the shocks since they didn't have a whole lot of time left on them, either. So, we picked up my car the next day with two new springs and two new shocks and, of course, a brand new tire. It's like driving a brand new vehicle! LOL! And praise be to God, the money we had saved up was enough to cover everything!

I keep thinking how different things could have gone. Our friend who fixed the car said he'd never seen anything quite like that before. We would have had to hit the wrench at just the exact right angle to get it to go in the tire like it did. And, let me tell you, after some off-road adventures a few years ago, the tires Mike had on my vehicle are pretty tough tires. I think all of this is just amazing. It reminds me to be thankful for that slow driver in front of me: You never know when that slow driver kept you from pulling through the intersection ahead just in time for someone to blow through the light. **Oh Wow! I am thankful now that Mike just called! He was in a bank in town and heard a bunch of sirens. Turns out the bank across the street from there just got robbed! So thankful Mike wasn't there. So many times our lives don't go just how we expect them to. I AM SO THANKFUL THAT NOTHING SURPRISES GOD. It's not like someone gets sick and God says, "I did NOT see that coming!" Because he did. And when that family member passes away, God's not surprised. In fact, I think his heart breaks before ours even does. And then He promises to never leave us. To give us strength for the day. And to always throw a wrench in there when it's necessary.

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it." ~Isaiah 55:8-11
