School Pictures

For almost a month now I have been holding my breath wondering what surprise I might find when school pictures came home. I have heard and even seen some horror stories - including my own! Corban is at that age where it seems that when you say, "Smile!" they must hear, "Make the cheesiest face you possibly can and if I say relax then try harder for the cheese!" I mean, honestly! I have deleted so many "smile" pictures of Corban where he's squeezing his eyes or his mouth looks like he just bit himself or some other spasm is going on that I have lost count. So, I was so wonderfully, pleasantly surprised when he brought his pictures home yesterday and they looked like HIM! Of course, already they don't really look like him because he has lost a couple teeth since this picture was taken and the other front tooth is so ready to go it's relaxing there at an odd angel. Snaggle Tooth he is, right now. But I am thankful that years from now, when he looks back at his kindergarten picture he won't cringe. Much. =)


  1. What a good pic of your little man!!! Definately a keeper! I so know what you mean about the cheese face, Kiley is in that stage now, as for Addison she loves to do model poses, I have a whole scrapbooking layout in my mind that I can do with all of her poses!!! :)

  2. What a handsome boy you have! Zachary always says "cheese" as loud as possible when I take his picture, so his face often looks like he's in pain :)


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