NICU Reunion

We got invited again this year to Aultman Hospital's NICU Reunion. I believe this year was for the 2006 NICU graduates, but they welcome anyone who wants to come. Or, that's what I found out after I asked them since I knew quite a few people who had NICU grads who weren't invited. I think they are still figuring their system out since this is just the second year they've held a reunion. Anyhow, I always find myself so thankful when we leave there. What a reminder of our healthy kids and how far they've come. It's sort of healing to walk some of the same halls and stand outside where you made phone calls updating people and watch your kids running around. Truly, I am thankful. Thankful to our God who loves us more than we need to sustain us through difficult times and puts people in your life just when you need them. He is the Great Physician.

Right off the bat the kids went to the face painting table. Sydney got hearts (and the pink doesn't come off - she had the remnants of a pink heart on her forehead for days!), Jared got a kitty nose and whiskers and Corban got a dinosaur. What fun! And this year they all sat still for it!

Then we went outside to play some games. Sydney is apparently a Corn Hole Master; she got all four bean bags in the hole!

Jared wasn't too sure about the games at all. He didn't like throwing the disks, so he would sneak up to the poles and slide the disks on. So entertaining!

I have about 30 pictures of Jared, Corban and Sydney on the bench and not one where all 3 kids are looking.

You can tell the boys have learned to keep their eyes on Sydney!

They got all kinds of toys and trinkets for playing the games. Corban wanted so badly for me to get a picture of his popping toy in mid-air. I surprised myself when I was actually able to! It popped so quickly Corban's eyes didn't even follow it! LOL


  1. Looks like your family had a fun time! Love the pics of the kids on the bench!

    Maybe one of these days we can get together! :) September is kind of crazy for us, but maybe a Sunday would work. I will let you know what days are free for us!


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