Mmmmm... Turkey....

We sure enjoyed our turkey with all the trimmings here last week. Enjoyed them so much I barely got any pictures! :( 

I caught this one of Corban at his class party. He wasn't even looking at the camera!

I also remembered to get this one of Jared. But did I get one of Sydney? No. Because I'm an awesome mom. Awesome. 

Thanksgiving was big for us this year. Not only was it turkey day, it was also Mike' birthday and our 15th anniversary. 

He got me the most beautiful flowers! 

And we ate fancy! Ha! And look at us with our 3 desserts! Mmmm. There will be a little catching up to do at the gym after last week. But it was so fun!

We took the kids to the McKinley Museum the day after thanksgiving (no crazy shopping for me!). What a fun family day! And Mike even hit pause on working for a couple hours. That's practically a Christmas miracle! 
