I never thought...

...that Sydney would be my organized one.
You can clearly tell which shelf is hers; the one w/ all the shoes neatly lined up. This is my darling daughter who has, multiple times, had all her books taken away because she tore them to pieces. This is my daughter who until very recently always had the biggest mess left at the table (and on her mouth, shirt, hands, etc) after a meal. Including her younger brother. This is my darling daughter who enjoys emptying her toy box and sleeping with every single stuffed animal she has. At once. This is my darling daughter who seeks dirt to play in and bugs to smash. And yet lately we have noticed a transformation taking place. Things must be put away, and most importantly, in their proper place. She takes time every day to make sure her shoes are lined up and neater than everyone else's. Maybe she's just super competitive. Stay tuned! I know I'm curious to see how this turns out!


  1. Can your darling daughter come over to my house and teach my sweet Caislyn how to organize!?


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