Do you know how many boxes you need to move? More than you think. And then a few more. The big move has begun. It's happening in phases as Mike makes trips back and forth. We did the first big move last week when the kids were on spring break. It was a whirlwind few days.
I spent 2 hours filling out paperwork, made two trips to the bank to get things notarized, and was at each of the kids schools 2-3 times each - but now they are all registered for their schools in North Carolina! Phew! I remember being overwhelmed with the paperwork when each kid started kindergarten, but doing it all at once felt like a marathon. Just look at that stack of forms I had to fill out!
We got several furniture deliveries from the companies we ordered from last time Mike and I were down. Katy approves.
We moved some of our bigger non-necessary pieces of furniture this trip as well. If you want to hear the story about this big green hutch, I saved it on my Insta-stories over on Instagram (the account is private. Sorry! If I know you, though, I'd love it if you followed our adventures there!).
Katy made it her job to be my IKEA furniture assembly supervisor. It was an exhausting job.
Remember those trails I told you about? Here is the view. I made sure I was out there at least once a day and the kids, Mike, and Katy joined me when they could. Beautiful! And warm! And sunny!
Before we knew it our time was up and we had to get back home. The kids and I won't be back until June, which we're all now wishing was tomorrow. Mike will be back and forth a few more times and business is starting to pick up for him down there. Mike is setting up this home as a smart home. We can lock and unlock doors and open and close the garage door from right here in Ohio through our phones. We also have a security system with cameras to keep an eye on things when we're not there. It gives us a little piece of mind.
And we came home to snow in April. When are we moving?!
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