That just about sums up May for the Sommers Family. It's crazy. And why not? The weather is better, so let's pack all the Things in one month. Maybe I'll still have hair come June.
Baseball picture. Because he's just so tiny. And I was too exhausted to get a soccer picture by the time we made it to the soccer game.
Sydney and I started what I think we'll make a new tradition for Mother's Day. We took my mom shopping and out to dinner on Saturday. We got to spend some quality girl time together and make Mom feel special and then I got to spend the entirety of Mother's Day with my family. And I took a nap. It was lovely. There were no pictures. Because naps are boring. But I did get a couple pictures of Sydney with Mom and I. What a fun afternoon/evening we had! Why didn't we think of this sooner?!
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