We have a basement! Well, almost. We dug our basebment last week. And by "we" I mean an excavating company with giant machines. Big boy toys that move with such precision you can build a whole foundation on top of what they've done. It's amazing, really. What you see in the picture below, behind the kids, are the footers where the rest of the basement will be poured tomorrow. The kids are still have a hard time wrapping their heads around how this will become their house very soon. But it's so fun to watch all this through their eyes!
Mike had to make some final measurements before the footers were poured last week, so we picked up some carry-out and ate our first meal at "home". Like Sydney's cute girly outfit? Fifteen minutes later she was sliding down those giant dirt piles on her backside. Yes she was.
How people can move piles and piles of dirt and know exactly where everything should be and how deep to dig just blows my mind.
Mike had the excavators use a bulldozer to push a path through the thick trees and brush to get to the stream/ditch/creek out back. The kids were so excited to get back there and see tadpoles. We just can not wait to get out there and play. The kids might have fun, too! ;)
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