Playing Catch-up

Happy Spring Break! It doesn't feel like Spring, though, with all the snow on the ground. I have seen more robins this year than I ever remember seeing in the past. And every single one of them is checking the batteries in their watches.
Did you miss me? Probably not since I'm not the most regular blogger. I'll have to do something about that... Like maybe build a house??? Yes, you read that right! We FINALLY found some land, so let the construction begin! We should be digging in the next couple weeks. WOOT! I do plan to post updates. My goal is weekly. Now that I've said that out loud, well, let's see if I can follow through. 

I finally uploaded/downloaded/edited pictures from my phone, camera and computer for the last month or so and I thought I'd catch you up quickly on all things Sommers.

Mike has been busy as ever with work. We are super thankful. But now we've dumped another project on him - the house. I may see my husband sometime in 2014, I think. 
Right now he is also teaching his class at church, God's Story Line. It's goes through Genesis to Revelation in about 8 weeks. And every year requires quite a bit review and editing. One more reason I'm sure I have a husband here somewhere, but right now we pass like ships in the night. He is, however, home when he can be and for everything important, so I really can't complain. And I will brag that when he is home, he is 100% dad. I am so thankful.
But can you tell from Sydney's little Lego project - the Ark of the Covenant - where our brains have been lately? It's good for a giggle!

I have known for quite a while that Jared has seasonal allergies. This is something I have never dealt with until recently. Actually until I had Jared, come to think of it. Wonder if there's any correlation... Hmmm...
Anyhow, we finally took Sydney (who now has a confirmed Amoxicillin allergy) and Jared to an allergist. Jared will not give a thumbs up on the allergy testing process. Poor guy was quite itchy and uncomfortable as we waited for the results. He is now the proud owner of a grass, trees and mold allergy diagnosis. He was crushed at the news, asking, "Am I never allowed to play outside again?!?!" Thankfully I was able to reassure him that now we know what we're up against we can make playing outside even better for him. He's a happy kid now. A happy kid who daily asks for his "medicine".

 Mike took Sydney to the annual Father-Daughter Date night that our church puts on.
Yes, they are two peas in a pod, since you asked.

So, the boys and I had our own little night out. We ate at the new Grinders in town (yum!) and treated ourselves to some frozen yogurt with all sorts of yum-o toppings. Mmmmm.

Mike's been a busy dad this month! Jared's class also had Dad & Me Day. I can't tell who's happier!

And Corban just wrapped up his indoor soccer season. He'll tell anyone who asks (because this boy rarely speaks in public without being spoken to first) that soccer is his favorite sport. It's amazing how much they have grown and improved at this age. The sports he is playing right now are getting so exciting to watch! And, on that note, he is at baseball practice right now. It's never-ending.

There's no "me" updates, but you can imagine I stay pretty busy. But it's a very, very good busy. :) "See" you soon! (I hope!)
