Sydney begged and begged to take ballet. If you know me you can well imagine the deer-in-the-headlights look I had every time she asked. Well, thankfully, we found a local friend who gives short sessions of dance lessons. So, for the last 6 weeks Sydney has been going to ballet and her recital was tonight. Yes, you read that right! Am I on the ball with this post or what?!
The last few weeks I have had to draaaag her to her lessons. As she laid on her bed throwing a fit last week I asked her why she didn’t like ballet. Her response, as she leaned back and kicked her feet in the air: “I didn’t know I’d have to moooove my feet so muuuuch!” Oh dear. So we told her she just had to make it through this week. Wouldn’t you know that my little ray of sunshine so *LOVED* performing in front of everyone that she is now begging me to keep her in ballet. If anyone ever told me how hard it would be to make decisions as a parent I probably wouldn’t have believed them. I’m so thankful for prayer! I’m not sure what else I’ll do otherwise most days. She did do a really good job – as far as this novice can tell. We are so proud of her for trying something new and following it through to the finish.
They did several dances with a Christmas/Nutcracker theme.
Sydney and her dance teacher, Miss Shananne
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