Catching up. That's a nice title and all. Wish I could actually do it. I keep picturing the crabs on the beach where we go on vacation. My brother and I used to *love* filling in all their little holes. Poor crabs. The fun part was standing back and watching them try to clear out all the sand. Over and over again. That's how I feel. Every day, there is more clutter to clear out, more homework to help someone work on, more little projects for this reason or that. I just keep pushing out the sand, cleaning the house, tidying up, and I wake up and do it all over again. Thankfully, instead of feeling overwhelmed at the moment, that thought makes me smile. It's just our time of life right now. When I turned 30, my mom told me she doesn't remember much of her 30's. Now I am finding out why! But, thankfully, we are doing it as a family. Some days we are all going different directions, but most days we are crazy together. And that's what counts. :) So, the least I can do is catch you up on just a few life moments lately... Sydney is still as cute as ever and the life of the party.
Jared is Batman most days. Don't be afraid. He likes hugs. :)
The school year is winding down. Sydney's preschool class just had a field trip to the library. She *loves* school. This girl is reading! I tell you, she is more than ready for kindergarten in the fall. Not so sure about her momma though...
This guy was recently in a school performance. It was so very special. He had so much fun! They had to stay after school and practice every week. He loved those days! I am not one to enjoy being in front of people at all, so I have been a bit of a nervous wreck over this, waiting ot hear what he thought of the whole thing. On Thursday they did their program for the school. When I asked him what he thought, Corban said, "I LOVED it! I can't wait to do this next year!" We got to see the show on Saturday. The coolest part was how the story managed to share, so relevently to school-aged kids, the gospel and God's plan for their lives. We are so thankful for the school that we are able to send Corban to. What a blessing that the lessons we try to teach them at home are also carried over into his school environment as well.
Well, I am squeezing this post in between bath time and story time and I hear Mike reading right now so I'd better run! We are still crazy with the house-selling thing. We have usually at least 1 showing a week and our realtor says we are her busiest listing. Now we just need the right people to walk through the door... However, I feel complete peace that God's timing is best and so I rest well at night with only very short moments of impatience. We are thoroughly going to enjoy the ride - and hope that we make some incredible memories from our 30's!
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