Jared's Fall Feast

Jared just loves preschool. One morning he recently told me, "Mom, I had good dreams last night. I dreamed I went to school all day, every day!" You can tell he is eager to follow in Corban and Sydney's footsteps. I hope my kids always think school is cool. :)
Last week Jared's class had their Thanksgiving Feast. They put on a tiny performance of songs and finger plays up front and then everyone gets to sit down and have crackers, cheese and fruit. Yum-o! Jared was very excited to see that even Daddy could make it this time!

"There's a turkey on my head!" Isn't it cute?! And, Jared was super proud of his turkey he made from his very own hand prints. So original! ;)

Big sis Sydney even got to come and enjoy the show!
