Last week was a big day of firsts! I still can't even believe it, but Jared started preschool last week! He was *so* excited! Tuesday was an orientation day and a parent had to come with their child for a shortened day. As we left, Jared asked when he can finally walk in all by himself. He has watched his older brother and sister do this his whole life and he was beyond ready to try it for himself. Here he is on Thursday waiting in the drop-off line for his first real day of preschool. I let them crawl up front with me so I can help them get out of the car a little easier.
And here's the big boy finally walking in all by himself! Can you even believe it?!
Sydney's orientation was Wednesday and her first true day was Friday. She was very happy to be back at school as well. Both Sydney and Jared are already asking me when they can go to school all day like Corban does. I am happy that we are raising such independent little people but, wow, does that tug at my heart!
I will actually be completely honest and say with all the activity and separate first days lately I totally forgot to take a picture of Sydney before preschool! So, I had her pose after school for some pictures. It doesn't take long for everyone to come running when they hear my camera start clicking. I love that these guys are so close! For now, at least. :) And, Macy won't admit it, but she likes to be right in the center of things as well.
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