Little Cowboy

My mom and uncle have been trying to work their way through cleaning out Grandma's house. Boy, did she love to collect! Thankfully, she was very neat and organized about it all and even kept original boxes and instruction books on pretty much everything. I went over with Mom on Sunday to sort through the kitchen. I am so intrigued by the everyday things someone can end up with after over 80 years on this earth.
Unlike my grandma, I am not much of a collector. However, it was hard to pass up this old rocking horse! I remember playing on this when I was little. Originally, it was my uncle's and then my mom's. I brought it home so my own kids could get some use out of it. It's so cute sitting next to the old doll high chair my mom used to play with. Well, Sydney and Jared knew what to do with it right away! It's a huge hit here and it makes me so happy to see them having fun on this old toy.
All 3 kids immediately found their cowboy hats from their Halloween costumes and put them on before taking turns on the rocking horse.
