Coloring Eggs

I have always been pretty bad at all the little traditions that surround childhood: Leaving cookies for Santa (we don't 'do' Santa), the Toothfairy, decorations for 'holidays' like Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, etc. For some reason I have been especially horrible at Easter. But I'm improving!

In the past I just don't think those things were very important when our kids were so young. In our house the emphasis is on the real Easter story: Jesus' death and resurrection. Honestly, Easter is my favorite holiday. But not for the eggs and candy. And, I told myself, they didn't even know what they were missing! I think the first few years of Corban's life we didn't even bother to color eggs. One year we were in Florida visiting family and Corban finally got to color eggs with Grandma Sommers. What a day! The next year I bought the kit but we didn't get around to it until Sunday evening. Yes. On Easter. When it was practically over. But, once again, the kids didn't realize that's not how it was supposed to be and they had fun just the same. Last year I believe we colored eggs late the night before Easter. And, as you can tell in this picture, we actually did it before the sun set. I'm getting better!!! It helps that Corban, Sydney and Jared are finally getting excited about these things, too.
Corban and Sydney thought it was really neat to create new colors by dipping the eggs twice.
Jared is now at that fun age where you tell them to smile and they really try hard to smile.
We only did 6 eggs, two per kiddo, just to keep things a little simple. They were happy in the end which is all that counts.

And, this year, we even hid eggs on Sunday and let them have an egg hunt. First time for that around here, too. Fun times all around the Sommers house this year!
