The Things They Say...

There are just moments where everything you go through being a mom all seems worth it. I just had one of those moments a little bit ago. Sydney and Jared and I were in the car on our way home from dropping Corban off at school. The song In Christ Alone was on and we were all singing together. As we pulled into the garage and I started turning the car and my mp3 player off and getting them unbuckled this conversation unfolded:

Sydney: I know that Jesus died on the cross to save us from our sins, but I don't know what happened next...

Me: You want to know what happened after Jesus died on the cross?

Sydney: Yes.

Me: Well, he died and his friends buried him. Then three days later they went to check on him and he wasn't there...

Jared interrupts: What happened to Jesus? I love him!

**And that, folks, is the moment I was talking about. :) :)

So I explained to them that Jesus wasn't there because he was alive again. And because he died on the cross for our sins and came back to life He conquered death for us, too.

Can you believe they are asking these questions and thinking them through at 3 and 4 years old? Wow! And now I need to go pray for wisdom and understanding!


  1. Oh wow! i am amazed!

    Caislyn has been asking a lot of questions here lately too. I know what you mean about praying for wisdom. I pray for that all the time. I want to have the right answers when my kids have super deep questions. I am sure there will be times when I will say, "You know, I am not sure how to answer that. Let's figure it out together".

    Isn't it awesome that our kids can talk to us about Jesus? Let's keep that convo going!

    You are a great Mom!!!!


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