We finally had a couple good snow storms come through lately. I do have to say I love the snow. I figure if it has to be cold outside it may as well be a snowy adventure, too. You can keep your rainy 35 degree days; I'll take a good snow storm.
A couple weekends ago the first storm came through on a Friday night. It snowed all night long but by Saturday there were beautiful blue skies.
Here is our front porch Friday night. The wind was blowing the snow around so much it packed up against our front door. I think that was the most amazing part of this storm for me. We have seen plenty of snow before but when it drifts like this it just completely transforms what you see out the window. I love it!
Here is the table on our back deck Friday night. That afternoon there was no snow on anything.
This is the back deck on Saturday morning. The snow was past the bottom of the chairs. Mike had to shovel a path for our dog, Macy, to get out.
Because of the way our house faces we don't too often get snow on our front porch. Here you can see that it drifted almost up to our windows.
I just had to get a shot of our back yard out our bedroom window. I thought that was so cool the way the snow swirled around our back yard, almost making a beautiful path away from our deck.
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