Sydney's First Day of Preschool

This has been a big year for us! This week Sydney started preschool. She has been so excited for this day to come! (Jared is already counting down until he can go next year) When we dropped Corban off for school in the morning and came back home Sydney was very upset that I didn't take her directly to preschool. She goes in the afternoon so she had a bit of a wait! Sydney is the most outgoing and friendly child you could imagine so I know she will love this new adventure.
The preschool requires an open tote bag so they can check them without having do dig through every pocket. I wanted to find a bag that would be nice, not too expensive and still be something that would fit Sydney's personality. I think I found it! And it was on sale! LOL Every student was asked to bring in two paper towel rolls on their first day to help out with supplies, so that is why her bag looks so giant. You can see by her face that she can barely contain her excitement!
Right away they got to work on a little project. Each parent needs a car tag when they pick their child up, so Sydney's teacher let them decorate them any way they wanted.
Here is Sydney with her teacher. All day long at home Sydney tells me all the things she's going to tell her teacher. And she didn't disappoint on her first day: It was like there was no one else in the room with Sydney except for the teacher, the way she chattered on with whatever the teacher was saying.
The first day was an orientation day and the parents got to stay. I sat behind Sydney on her carpet square while the teacher read a story and they sang songs and made a snack mix together. Every now and then Sydney would turn around and give me a thumbs up. That was my only sign that she might have any apprehension was her needing a bit of encouragement from me. Other than that, she followed right along with the teacher with that gung-ho attitude she has had since birth. Life does not hold Miss Sydney back at all!
