School Drop-off

I can remember being really unsure of dropping off Corban for his first day of preschool. The thought of letting my barely 3-year-old get out of the car on his own and walk into some building with out me was a bit traumatizing. But, we did 3 years of that and it worked out really well. Especially when I had two younger kids that drop-off meant I didn't have to get unbuckled, carry in and then carry back out (yes for a long time I had to carry Sydney and Jared places). And it gave Corban a sense of responsibility and confidence. And, now that I have to drop off Corban outside of his (much bigger) school I know that he already has the skills and confidence needed to get into school and get to his class room. I would say, though, that it is still nearly as heart wrenching for me to watch him disappear through those doors and drive away. But this is good for him. And good for me, too.
Now it's Sydney's turn to learn drop-off. She has the advantage that she has watched Corban do drop-off for 3 years now, so she is an old pro already. There is no hesitation with her. Has there ever been? LOL She gets out of the car and pretty much runs right in to school. But before she gets out she does something different that Corban never did. Sydney tells Jared that she won't be gone long and she asks what Jared will do while she's gone. He'll take a nap, I say. So she tells him he will take a nap, "ok, little brother?" And then she gives him a hug and a kiss. And she gives me a hug and kiss. And one more thing that Corban never, ever thought to do before he got out of the car: She opens the visor and checks herself out in the mirror. Every time. What a girl!
