Six years ago today Corban came into the world 3 weeks earlier than we expected! What a huge and wonderful surprise that was! My little guy was a whopping 5 lbs 6 oz (and actually ended up being our biggest baby by over a pound!) and was absolutely perfect. All was right with the world for us. We knew our lives would change with the birth of our first baby but you really can never have a clue what it will actually be like. It has turned out to be better and more fun than we could have ever expected.
We had a little help getting the whole baby-thing going. In the end, we didn't go through near what many people do trying to start a family, but in the middle of it, well, it can get overwhelming. I remember wanting to keep my heart in the right place and trusting God. My main prayer while we were waiting was that if God ever let me be a mom I would always remember that He is my child's real Father and He trusts me to raise these children for Him.
When we did get pregnant we didn't know if our baby was going to be a girl or a boy. Mike and I had no problem picking a girl name out right away (in fact, we had Sydney Esther almost from the beginning). But, we just couldn't agree on a boy name. Mike wanted Michael, but do you know how many Michael Sommerses there are?! On the last Sunday in March I came across Mark 7:11, "... Corban (that is, a gift devoted to God)," and I knew we had our name: Corban Michael! The name couldn't fit more perfectly considering my prayer! We didn't know if we were having a boy or a girl, but God knew, and He knew He would be honored every time I said Corban's name, every time someone said that it's an unusual name and asked how we came up with it. Every time I share this story, I get to share of God's blessings and answered prayer.
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