Preschool Graduation

Today was Corban's last day of preschool. They had a little graduation ceremony. I'm so proud of my little man. He has grown so much in these past few years. He is so ready for kindergarten now; ready for a new challenge. The children walked in two-by-two and then they sang a few songs.

Then they had each child come up one at a time to give them a little certificate. The teachers had asked the kids what they want to do when they grow up. Last year Corban said that he, "wants to be a Dad just like his dad." Awww. Could it get any sweeter? Well, this year Corban's answer was that he, "wants to be a missionary so he can go to different states and learn about them." Corban has the most amazing heart. In his evening prayers he often prays for missionaries around the world. Honestly, he is just an amazing boy to have around. We are so thankful that he is a part of our little family.

And, here's our little family! Notice Sydney and her two cupcakes. She was a happy girl today. She even insisted on being in the picture of Corban and one of his best buddies. She's gotta be right in the middle.

Corban's Grandpa Arteno was able to make it to graduation today, too! Corban was so excited to see him!

