Recently I read an article from Real Simple Magazine that I found very interesting. It's called 10 Questions to Ask Your Mother. I wanted to share it because it will give you a lot to think about and probably a very interesting conversation with your mom. I am planning on asking my mom these questions (so, Mom, be ready!) and maybe also using them to write a letter to give to Sydney some day. When I was young I used to ask my parents and grandparents all sorts of questions about what life was like when they were younger. I have always loved hearing those sorts of stories. I suppose as I've gotten older and life has flown by I forget to keep asking the questions as my perspective on life changes, and so does theirs. I am thinking that by starting with these questions I will try to keep asking my family questions so the lessons that they've learned in life don't get forgotten but get passed on to the next generation. You can read the whole article by clicking on the link, but I'll share the questions here. I would love to hear you and your mom's thoughts!
1. What's the one thing you would have done differently as a mom?
2. Why did you choose to be with my father?
3. In what ways do you think I'm like you? And not like you?
4. Which one of us kids did you like the best?
5. Is there anything you have always wanted to tell me but never have?
6. Do you think it's easier or harder to be a mother now than when you were raising our family?
7. Is there anything you regret not having asked your parents?
8. What's the best thing I can do for you right now?
9. Is there anything that you wish had been different between us -- or that you would still like to change?
10. When did you realize you were no longer a child?
1. What's the one thing you would have done differently as a mom?
2. Why did you choose to be with my father?
3. In what ways do you think I'm like you? And not like you?
4. Which one of us kids did you like the best?
5. Is there anything you have always wanted to tell me but never have?
6. Do you think it's easier or harder to be a mother now than when you were raising our family?
7. Is there anything you regret not having asked your parents?
8. What's the best thing I can do for you right now?
9. Is there anything that you wish had been different between us -- or that you would still like to change?
10. When did you realize you were no longer a child?
I think I might have to do this! Sounds kind of fun. #4 though is just down right cruel! I'm thinking it was me though.