Easter is probably my favorite holiday. Jesus' death on the cross and his triumph over the grave is the reason he joined us here on earth. We have a God who walked in our shoes, knows intimately the things that we feel and what we face here on earth. We have a God who loves us so much he sacrificed his son so that we could also live in Heaven eternally with the One who created us even though we don't deserve it. That is Amazing Love and I am so thankful for it.
I was trying to remember and I think this is the first year we remembered to color eggs with the kids before Easter. The first couple years of Corban's life we sort of skipped over this tradition. Two years ago, we were in Florida and Corban colored eggs with his grandma - what fun! Last year must have snuck up on us because we didn't actually color any eggs until the evening of Easter. At least we did it! But this year I was on the ball and we colored eggs on Good Friday.
I wanted to get some pictures of the kids in their Easter clothes at Mom and Dad's house, but it was freezing - can you see Jared trying to be a good sport for mom? I was also trying to get more of their landscaping in the background and not their home but I was having problems with the shadows. I will have to try to get them all dressed up again and maybe take some pictures in our own back yard.
Here you can see Corban freezing and Sydney and Jared wanting to go back inside already.
We did get to visit with my Grandma. I don't think she really understood a whole lot of what was going on, but Sydney didn't mind. She spent quite a bit of time just jabbering away to Grandma. What a wonderful memory!
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